Kia Orana, my name is Alexandra Moana King.

I am a Polynesian/ Maori woman photographer. I was born in Opotiki on the East Coast of Aotearoa(New Zealand) where my mothers family and tribes(iwi) descend through Whakatohea, Ngai Tuhoe and Ngati Porou. She is also of Spanish decent.

My Marae(sacred meeting grounds) are Kutarere Marae, Omaramutu Marae and Opape Marae.

Since birth, I was raised in Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands where my father comes from. Our families descend from the islands of Mangaia and Rarotonga and our tribe and Vaka is Uritaua, which in history descended from Hawaii. Our hapu is Ngati Putua. My grandfather on my fathers side was also born in England and of British decent, from the small English town of Henley on Thames. So I consider myself a mixed bag of many things!

I have been on my photography journey for the past 11 years. Specialising in portraiture, storytelling, documentary, and wedding photography, my passion and focus is heavily on indigenous community stories, environmental advocacy and injustice.

I am self taught and have not studied photography. As an indigenous woman, visual storytelling and photography has come naturally through my upbringing and has played a huge role in my life as a healing tool. I am also a mother of one daughter who is 10 years old.

I seek to influence change and healing in my pacific island communities, and use my photography and storytelling to support and impact revitalising the visions of our identities through culture, language and practices.

Over the last few years, I have reconnected to my culture and community through artistic visions, re imagining our narratives and amplifying our narratives.

Recently co founded and created an NGO in the Cook Islands called

Te Ara o te Akau, being in collaboration with some of my close friends and family who are passionate about the ocean environment is also something I spend a huge amount of my time on. This NGO is focused on ocean conservation through coral restoration; restoring areas of our coral reef and protecting our marine life, through the Cook Islands.

I am a proud indigenous wahine(woman) visual artist and storyteller and this has been my decade long journey of re discovering, reclamation and re creating myself and the vision of our people through photography and storytelling.

Thank you for visiting my page!


What else would you like to know?

Where are you currently based?

I am living in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. This is where I was brought up before moving to Samoa and New Zealand for schooling.
I'm running my photography business and managing local NGO "Te Ara o te Akau"

What is your photography style & personality?

I'm pretty laid back, and have a very quiet presence behind the scenes. My imagery has darker and punchy tones, and medium format also brings out the storytelling and film style.

I'm a pretty natural sort of person with a sense of humour. I like to have a sense of humour when I'm working to help ease any tension or angst with clients who may struggle in front of the camera. But I've also always naturally been an anxious person too, so photography has always helped me in this space.

What type of photoshoots are you offering?

I've gone from photographing weddings and portraits 90% of the time to now doing more photo documentary, storytelling and editorial photography. Currently I offer portraiture, lifestyle documentary, weddings, commercial and food photography.

I'm grateful to have been featured in international exhibitions, magazines and local media over the course of my career.
My goal is to capture stories, and socially impactful events in life and share them to bring more awareness and resonation between humans. I advocate a lot for indigenous rights, womens rights against domestic abuse and judicial abuse, climate change, environmental issues, and animal welfare. I've always been passionate about humanitarian work and have a lot of respect for people who do this work on a global scale.

Are you still photographing weddings?

Yes, I am still photographing weddings. I have cut down on the amount of weddings I do annually after photographing them for 11 years.

Do you offer videography or cinematography?

I don't offer videography for wedding work, however I am now doing short film documentary work for my personal projects and other assignments.

What equipment do you shoot with?

I'm currently using the amazing Medium Format Hasselblad camera and lenses, and Canon DSLR cameras with a range of Sigma Art & Canon prime lenses.

Do you travel for photography work?

Yes. Essentially for portrait and wedding photography I would travel at additional costs.

I also currently travel for film and documentary projects.

Can we order prints through you?

Yes you can order prints on the Prints page or contact me for more information on the type of prints and sizes you are looking for. I will be opening a print room/gallery in due course!

Do you photograph family portrait + maternity sessions?

Yes I have seperate packages for these sessions, you can contact me to find more information.

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